Mad Hatter’s Tea Heads Out In Style

Betty Koontz and Veronika Thorne, chairmen, did a fabulous job making the Mad Hatter’s Tea a memorable one. The food was great and served by the competent staff at the Coral Ridge Yacht Club. The room was decorated in perfect taste and the centerpieces were lovely little dolls that you …

Divas and Diamonds and Lunch, Oh My!

Distinguished Guests at the Divas and Diamonds Luncheon The Divas & Diamonds Luncheon welcomed many distinguished guests including Florida Grand Opera’s General Director Bob Heuer, Board President Jane Robinson, Director of Marketing & Communications Justin Moss and Board President Ben Harrison. Click the picture to seen an enlarged version.

Divas and Diamonds

The Diva Awards Luncheon – a success! The Diva Luncheon was a huge success both monetarily and in attendance. The food provided by the Pier 66 catering department, under the leadership of Scott Schaefer, was delectable; and the menu – Wild mushroom soup and Steak salad – was tasty. The …