Inspiring, Exhilarating Guild Luncheon

The Guild of Florida Grand Opera’s Summer Opera Festival The Guild of Florida Grand Opera held their 5th Annual Summer Opera Festival at the Miami Shores Country Club on August 10th. Over 120 attendees (the largest ever for this event) were treated to a preview of the coming season with …

An Enchanted Evening at the Breakers

Last evening my husband and I had the good fortune to attend the North American Debut of Icelandic tenor Gardar Thor Cortes at the Newport Music Festival Gala. Cortes, a handsome 34 year old man, enchanted us with classical pieces, arias, popular tunes and Icelandic folk songs all in the magnificent …

Membership in The Opera Society

Membership Vice President Gloria Kline (click here to contact her) is receiving 2008-09 dues for: Regular Members ($40) Supporting Members ($100) Board Members ($100) She hopes to have the Directory ready to distribute at our Fall Membership Meeting on October 22, with addendum pages ready in January. She urges everyone …

From the Desk of Roger Hinkley

Roger, Chairman of the Board of Florida Grand Opera, enjoys the New Opera Society Website Ahhhh! Summer in Florida – or is that “simmer” in the summer in Florida? The beach is too hot and the movies are too dull. But now we can sit in the comfort of our …

Opera Society Members meet in Newport, Rhode Island

Opera Society President Barbara Parent & her husband, Roland, met up with Opera Society members Isobel and Roger Sturgeon and new member Diana Fletcher in Newport, RI at the New York Yacht Club’s Newport Station for cocktails. Isobel and Roger’s sailboat, Rosebud, was competing in the weekend’s regattas in preparation …