A Delightful Night at the Opera: Trouble in Tahiti, Señor Delusa!!
The Jazz Greek Chorus: Michael Miller, Amanda Sheriff and Nicholas WardThe entire cast: Andrew Simpson as Sam, Stephany Doche as Dinah, and the Chorus: Nicholas Ward, Amanda Sheriff and Michael MillerThe Chorus and SamSam (Andrew Simpson) in the shower !! with the assistance of Nicholas Ward, Amanda Sheriff and Michael MillerThe cast takes its well deserved bow!The Orchestra conducted by Caren Levine, Head Coach of the FGO Studio
Florida Grand Opera’s performance of Leonard Bernstein’s “Trouble in Tahiti” received excellent reviews. For those of lucky enough to see this production, whose cast of five singers included four of our Studio Artists, it was a wonderful experience of the 1950’s. In this one-act production, the jazz chorus paints a perfect picture of a suburban marriage as we watch scenes of the troubled marriage of Sam and Dinah.
This was followed by Thomas Pasatieri’s “Senor Deluso”, a delightful Moliere-style farce involving family duty, young love, mistaken identity and final resolution with joyful loving couplings! Jeffrey Marc Buchman’s marvelous direction and Caren Levine’s command of the orchestra had the audience jumping to their feet with delight as the production ended! A great night at the opera!
Rosine (Stephany Doche), Celie (Amanda Sheriff) and Gorgibus (Andrew Simpson) as Celie’s father who has decided who she will marry!Michael Miller as Leon, Celie’s ardent lover!!Nicholas Ward as the title character who finds Celie’s locket that leads to much confusion!Celie accused of being Senor Deluso’s lover!The happy cast: Ashley Shaina as Clara, the wife of Senor Deluso, Stephanie Doche, Michael Miller, Nicholas Ward, Amanda Sheriff, Thandolwethu Mamba as the Town Magistrate and Andrew Simpson